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Action cards provide the flow of play. They are 162 and are split as follows:

  1. Terrain Cards (35)

  2. Movement cards (26)

  3. Fire cards (48)

  4. Rally cards (19)

  5. Concealed cards (14)

  6. Smoke cards (4)

  7. Wire cards (3)

  8. Hero cards (2)

  9. Sniper cards (4)

  10. Split-Action cards (cards serving two actions) (7)


Action cards depict the player’s “hand” where a player's “hand” varies depending on nationality. For example a Russian player has a maximum “hand” of 4 action cards. A very brief description of their use can be found below. Please refer to the rules PDF or the tutorials for a more detailed info.



It’s the terrains that groups are stationed. Most of them provide cover, equal to the negative number printed on them. Some of them have no cover at all (instead of negative number, a 0 is written) and some can provide advantage or disadvantage when attacking from them. This is represented by a plus or minus modifier written on the card (number is in a circle). In order to place terrain on a group it has to be in the act of movement. Placing terrain counts as an action for the group.


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With fire cards we fire to the enemy groups. As a result, certain men in an enemy group may be killed, pinned, go rout or be wounded. Playing fire cards counts as an action for the group.


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Concealed cards are used during the opponents turn in order to reduce the fire strength of an attack. It does not count as an action for the group.


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 Wire cards are played to the opponent group/s in order to slow him down and/or reduce his fire and defense capabilities. Wire cards are always played as a discard


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Sniper cards are played to the opponent group/s and attack a certain individual. Sniper, if a hit is obtained, can pin, kill or wound a man. Sniper cards are always played as a discard. 


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Groups change their position and relative ranges between them by playing movement cards. Movement cards are placed above the terrain cards and remain there until a new terrain is placed. They have various functions but usually they are played in three modes:

  • To advance

  • To retreat

  • To move laterally

When groups change the relative range between them, there is an effect on the groups men weapons firepower, thus to the fire cards that a player can use. Playing movement cards counts as an action for the group.



Rally cards are used to recover men from pinned status to normal. Playing rally cards counts as an action for the group


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Smoke cards provide extra cover to the group they are played to. In addition (due to low visibility as a result of the smoke), fire attacks from and to that group are also affected negatively. Playing smoke cards counts as an action for the group 


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Hero cards can be used in various ways, usually to rally one pinned man or double firepower of a man. Please read the rules for more specifications. It does not count as an action for the group and can be played either on the player’s turn or the opponent’s turn. 


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These cards usually have two actions and a player can choose which one to play, if he can, as stated by its nationality symbol.

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